The approach
You don't need to tell your war story here.
Opposed to traditional talk therapy where your life story narrative is analysed looking for what 'caused' your problem, the approach of our clinic is to discover what thinking and behaviour patterns you use to support your problem now. And then we disrupt them.
This approach is centered on the understanding that people typically experience discomfort when there is misalignment between their expectations and reality; when what's happening for them doesn't align with their beliefs or values.
While your beliefs and values are what enable you to be successful, they can also cause problems if not calibrated to the situation. Your extreme focus isn't required when making a sandwich, but is handy when preparing your tax return.
Analysing and challenging what 'rules' you use to run your life can be enlightening. Rapid improvements are made using a combination of strategic psychotherapy and clinical hypnosis to align the internal world with the external.
Problems are for solving,
not for sitting with.
Let's break some patterns.
My goal is to not just support you to ‘feel better’ but to actually be better in your life. I work best with people who are supremely motivated to change; when they’ve had enough of their destructive thinking and behaviours and are willing to do the work.
Offered in personalised 1:1 sessions and supported with additional curated resources, my interventions are designed to put you on the fast track to your best self.
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250 Australian dollars1 hr
250 Australian dollars1 hr
250 Australian dollars1 hr
250 Australian dollars
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